Author: kardesign

UK Tax rates explained in plain and simple English (using buckets!)

People often get confused about tax and a common misconception is around how tax works for the higher tax bands. People often think “Oh I don’t want to earn too much as I’ll get taxed at 40% and I’ll lose out”. THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Here’s a handy guide to simplify and explain things.

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Small business owner?

The new Making Tax Digital requirements impacts YOU What is Making Tax Digital? Making Tax Digital is a government initiative that sets out a bold vision for ‘a transformed tax system and the end of the tax return’ Making Tax Digital is all about making tax administration more effective, more efficient and easier for taxpayers,…

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Business owners outraged at new pound coin

Ut id viverra augue. Suspendisse id magna purus, sit amet tristique augue. Suspendisse quis ligula nisl, iaculis euismod purus. Nam suscipit, odio sit amet sodales elementum, leo orci tincidunt odio, eget auctor ipsum enim a mi. Suspendisse potenti. Donec et diam magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin sagittis aliquet arcu, quis tempus purus ornare vitae.

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Petrol Prices at their highest since July 2015

Suspendisse in nisl diam. Sed elementum augue tempor tortor tincidunt tempor. Vivamus dignissim dolor ac eros pulvinar vel posuere mi molestie. Morbi eget fringilla dolor. Sed rhoncus adipiscing vulputate. Cras ac est eros, et elementum risus. Etiam leo sapien, scelerisque non facilisis ac, euismod at neque. Vestibulum elementum lectus et nunc aliquam vehicula. Nulla molestie nisi a lorem pretium ac hendrerit risus scelerisque. Pellentesque condimentum, nulla nec fringilla vulputate, augue felis congue sem, vitae sodales arcu mauris id liber

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